Hotel Reservation Demo
Java - Maven - Spring Boot - Angular - Docker
This demonstration app was the final project for an Advanced Java course. It's intended purpose was to show familiarity with Spring Boot, Angular, and Docker as well as profiles multithreading and internationalization. The application uses Angular on the frontend and spring web to expose endpoints along with data JPA and an in memory H2 database.
Functionally, the application demonstrates the main page of a fictitious hotel allowing patrons to book a room. Once dates are chosen the customer is given room options where a room can be reserved. Upon selecting a room for a given date that room is then removed from the list of available rooms so as not to be presented to another customer.
In addition to the reservation system a couple of demo threads examples are shown which would reflect the chosen language of the visitor. The notification section demonstrates time zone conversion.
This application is containerized using Docker and can be run locally. However, some steps are required to generate dependencies for the first run.